October is Dyslexia Awareness Month and we need to remind ourselves to understand dyslexia much better, which is the most common and often misunderstood learning disability.
Recent Dyslexia updates are: Dyslexia Has a Genetic Component- The New 2020 research corroborates the strong inheritability of dyslexia.
Dyslexia Involves a Disconnect between Sight and Sound
Dyslexia Comes with Strengths-A British researcher reviewed the literature on neurodiversity and listed strengths found in individuals with dyslexia in the workplace:
• Entrepreneurialism
• Creativity and cognitive control
• Visual reasoning
• Practical skills, visual-spatial skills, and story-telling ability
Let us join in raising awareness on what dyslexia is all about and how it affects our students and children in our society, and how we can extend our support by identifying it and upholding the unique strengths and weaknesses of the dyslexic.