My Autobiography

My Autobiography, Shoreless Infinite, talks about the four dimensions of an individual and how I journeyed taking care of myself and teaching it to the family. The book amplifies the importance of Parenting, professional triumphs, balance, life with meaningful relationships, and the spiritual discovery leading to bliss. The author cautions not to forget the importance of balance when life becomes busy. Connecting with the Universe and developing a let-go attitude can usher the Universe to bring infinite abundance to all with evolved consciousness.

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Feed back on book

My Friends and well-wishers have been writing to me after reading my book Shoreless Infinite, and this is helping me to step beyond. Thank you so much for sharing, and with deep gratitude, I paste below a few.

  1. I have read the book. Very nicely written. Your gratitude to all connected with you is beaming throughout the book. Thank you so much & Best Wishes – P.V. Balakrishnan- Chennai
  2. I am fascinated by your life, inspires me to write mine
    Never thought autobiography could be fascinating. Krithika- Austin.
  3. Just finished reading your Autobiography. Very nicely written. A true, simple, excellent reason why you wrote it. I am amazed looking back at all that you have done thus far. As I read some of the chapters, your experiences so touched me my eyes started watering… You have raised two wonderful sons and balanced between raising a great family and being a career woman, no small feat. You are an inspiration to all of us and all the youngsters. You still have a lot of energy and passion for learning, I wish you the very best of health, happiness, and peace always. -Ms. Prabha from Texas
  4. Helps youth like me to fall in love with the world again, regain my inner strength, and gain more confidence and awareness of the outer world. Thank you, Ma’am. Ms Preethi Pune
  5. You are an incredible woman who responded positively to everything in your life and moved forward. Have been extremely outgoing and versatile and Willing to take chances and give it a go. Your focus on family first is laudable and your husband Shankar has been a great supporter and pillar behind you. You have motivated me that I am still young and will go forth with my Vision for the next 20 years and more in having a second life in giving back to the less fortunate. Mr. Raguraman – Texas
    I thank each one of you from the bottom of my heart.

Below is the Media coverage ofs my book.

Shoreless Infinite, authored by Ms Geetha Shankar. •

Unlocking infinite possibilities

Do we understand the choices we have made have created our lives? Choices have results. We cannot blame anyone for the results. It’s been our choice, and we need to take ownership.
Once we trust the power we have over our lives, our choices have the power to change our lives. Let’s begin by playing a game on ourselves to examine our choices.
Take one specific segment of your life that is not much working for you. Start focusing and be more conscious of the choices you are making. Now, better the choices by opening yourself to many options. It works best when universal goodness prevails and negative feelings and thoughts, like hatred and revenge, are eliminated. Slowly, you will find results trickling in. Make different choices to get yourself moving. It could be an insignificant choice but still do it. Do it every day in different ways. Your journey has begun for the better.
Don’t be overwhelmed by what you want to change. It’s challenging to change everything about the problem at once. You have to move slowly with baby steps every day. You will see that the overwhelming tasks are becoming doable. And there is light at the end of the tunnel.
Let us recreate our lives and live through our choices.

Toxic Emotions at Work.

I was reading an article recently in HBS on toxic Emotions at work. Have experienced it personally and have a few of my clients facing the challenge.

Emotional mistreatment of employees directly or indirectly affects them, resulting in their “voluntary resignation or dismissal.” If allowed to flourish and left unchallenged, it can cripple an organization in the long run. The Management, The HR, and the leaders can serve as good examples to solve the syndrome of “there is always grief somewhere in the workroom!”

Workable solutions include changing the grip of emotional, painful experiences, hand-holding the staff to get through the pain, and engaging the affected to fresher “positive pursuits.”
Let not the havoc play on the morale of an outstanding Employee in particular and on the growth and image of the Organization in general.

The Game Changer- Cognitive Restructuring

Frequent travels globally (Pre covid) and recent travel to the U.S. to stay with my children for four months allowed me to unlearn and relearn. These transformative journeys help me foster empowerment, focus, and motivation, thus helping me on my path to mental betterment and the key to real learning. Change rather than stability is what I prefer most of the time. It testifies that my cognitive Health is superior, and I am a functional human who is extraordinarily resilient, creating space for hope, personal growth, and flexibility. 

Cognitive Health? It is Brain Health that helps each one of us to think, learn, and remember aspects in performing everyday activities. It includes the Motor function — how well we control movements, including balance; the Emotional quotient — how well we are capable of interpreting and responding to emotions – both pleasant and unpleasant and the Tactile function how we feel and respond to sensations of touch like temperature, pressure, pain, etc. Social Isolation, Poor Diet, lack of physical activity, smoking, Drinking, and Physical and mental health problems could pose risks to cognitive Health.

Have we ever observed that “Cognitive distortions “developed and practiced by us are our inside patterns, and we lead our lives according to them? The thoughts are stubborn and become ingrained within us, refusing to budge. If we are aware of such thoughts, we can combat the distortions.  It is Changing your Cognitive Distortions to Change your Life. The best word in my vocabulary is “Cognitive reconstruction.” I examine myself and others in my profession through Cognitive Restructuring methods, which help me identify, challenge, and replace faulty thinking with more accurate, helpful, and positive ways of thinking. Psychologists use this method to examine our ability to view a situation from different perspectives. They say, “How we feel emotionally is not the result of what happens to us, but instead, it’s the result of how we think about what happens to us.” This means that “we can change the way we feel by changing the way we think’ Cognitive restructuring encourages people to halt and seek the evidence for their belief. If there is no evidence, then it shows that not every thought or emotion is not necessarily true.  

A thought follows every situation a person undergoes, chased by emotion, and shows in the behavior. There are many techniques in Cognitive restructuring. I want to cite real cases as examples and how we can adapt to cognitive restructuring.  

The first situation:   Freshers from colleges say, “The Job Market is not open to Freshers as they demand experience.”

   Situation: A fresher does not get a job 

   Thought: Rationalizing lack of Experience, Reactive. 

   Emotion: Angry, Anxious, Sad.  

   Behavior: Withdrawal symptoms, negative feelings about the market, Hopeless, 

   Alternate Thought/ Action:

  • Maintain good social media Profiles.
  • Identify companies that require the freshers’ skill sets.
  • Get job referrals.
  • Get Experience through internships and freelancing. 

The second situation

   Situation: My 4-and-a-half-year-old grandson had to change to another branch of his Montessori school in Chicago because of his Parent’s new house change. 

   Thought: Losing his batch of 5 dear friends

   Emotion: Sad, angry 

   Behavior: Refused to go to School every day, refused to eat, threw tantrums, and cried frequently. 

   Alternate Thought/ Action:   Parents Encouraged play dates with old friends by maintaining Friendships, sleeping over during weekends with his old friends, Facilitated making new Friends in the School and neighborhood, Parents spoke to the child about their Reasons for Moving and that, as Parents, they care about his feelings. 


 I have witnessed experienced employees in organizations responsible for stagnating and creating a non-stimulating environment. They often kill ideas under the guise of fostering the organization. Rather than having Experience inform their choices, Experience has defined their options. Oh boy! I started contemplating. I quote a writer who says, “Experience is one of the main obstacles to Cognitive Health. The ability to unlearn determines our success more than our ability to learn.”

Edward De Bono in Lateral Thinking suggests that when asked with YES or NO answer, we might respond with PO means possibility. Hundreds of options turn out with the term PO. Mind is our ally. In Sanskrit, we use Devta for mental structures. We can use the Devta aspect of our mind to build and keep on building. Our creativity will never cease. Experience has to wage battle against Routine, Repetition, and Boredom. Why dread when “Each moment offers you a choice”? Let us refresh our brains with new neural networks so we don’t stagnate.

“Put on a Learner’s mind when you get dressed every day, and your life will change for the better.”


a. The complete guide to Cognitive Restructuring

b. https:// skills

Wake up, dear women… Success isn’t a fluke for you…

I meet many people every day, especially women, who think their success is a fluke. Even I used to think at every point of my achievement. This made me ponder why.
I realized that women do not have a model or a pattern for their success in the whole system. Women constantly doubt their abilities thinking that if it happens again they may not be successful. Being in the present moment is the principal place of power, and this moment creates the way for a future moment that will be even more powerful.
Let us provide models for our little women, our daughters, our nieces, and future generations!

Strategically Unreasonable Leadership

Harvard Business Review Says the Best Leaders Have a Contagious Positive Energy. The most significant predictor of Success for leaders is not their charisma, influence, power, personality, attractiveness, or innovative genius. It is their Positive relational energy. This energy is the one that supersedes all factors. The energy exchanged between people helps uplift, enthuse, and renew them. 

We have seen many examples of Leaders in International, National, political, economic, corporate, sports, and different regimes where each of them has made an impact through their own devised style to inspire, encourage, make a difference, and have led by example through Love, Optimism, Belief in Team, Accountability to standards, principles, values, culture and have proved what exemplary Leadership is all about. 

I recently had to train a group of Leaders, and the Management was very particular that the training program should be titled “Strategically Unreasonable Leadership.” Though challenging, the topic was exciting. I remembered the Romans quote: “Mind governed by Flesh leads to Death. A mind governed by spirit leads to Life.”  

 If we remember, in 1996, Bobby Fischer, one of the world’s best Chess Players, proposed a rule change. The game he called Chess 960, where the black pieces were randomly mixed up, made it impossible to preplan the game. Players with 960 potential opening boards had to rely on their skills and on-the-spot thinking to win. Players had never seen such a board and had never had such an experience and started trying out new methods to innovate, and instead of just memorizing moves, they had to do much manipulation. Being used to autopilot mode, most of us are pushed into the Comfort Zone and then slide into the Lazy Zone. It’s time we start scrambling our back rows.

Thanks to Craig Groeschel, whom I have been following for some time. He says strategically unreasonable leaders can make a difference anywhere because they have a higher cause, a more profound passion, and a burning desire. They function not to add a temporary value but to make a difference that will outlast them as leaders—identifying WHAT your WHAT is the first step. How comes later? 

What did British-led India need? It was Gandhiji’s WHAT question. The HOW part came later. Gandhiji was strong enough as a leader, so the HOW found its way.

Prime Minister Lee Kuan Yew was in Leadership when Singapore got its independence. He struggled to build the Country’s infrastructure, create jobs, and manufacture products. In his address, Lee Kuan Yew said he is settling on two strategies. The first was the Leap Frog strategy (an organization/company jumps ahead of its competitor’s level of performance), where the Country would attract multi-national companies into Singapore. The 2nd was to make Singapore a first-world Oasis, which meant the people in Singapore would live like first-world Citizens. Singapore was fortunate to have Lee Kuan Yew, known for his “Strategically Unreasonable Leadership.” This leadership style fulfilled momentum, speed, risk, excitement, passion, intuition, and unreasonable dreams. A learning curve drives the message that Growth and comfort never co-exist. 

Leadership failure is a price that leaders and their Teams, most of the time, pay to succeed. Failure for “Strategically Unreasonable Leaders is not an option. But a Necessity. For them, it is better to fail actively rather than not try. They consider the rule that you are playing too safe if you are not failing.  

We are used to thinking that more possessions, bigger budgets, more time, and additional resources determine Success. But Scott Sonenshein, in his book ‘Stretch’ explains how everyone from Executives to Entrepreneurs, parents, and athletes perform better with constraints. This is one of the remarkable qualities of “Strategically Unreasonable Leaders too- Embracing limitations. The leaders believe that regulations drive innovation because the Team embraces the existing resources and finds ways to become more creative and productive to solve problems, innovate, and fully engage in their work and lives.

 I can cite an iconic example of a strategically unreasonable Leader Dabo Swinney, the American football coach. The Players loved him, and the Players also knew that Dabo loved them. Dabo held each player accountable and drove them to do their best. He said, “If you love someone, don’t let them settle for mediocrity. You are going to push them to achieve and unearth their potential. You have to challenge them. They will rise. ”  

This is the Leadership model I am fascinated, talking about, and following.  

Relentlessly Yours…..

Tim Grover’s Relentless has a lot of points to ponder. Thought leaders say there is never a Problem, but only a Situation or an issue that has to be addressed. A Situation/ Event plus Response is equal to the Outcome/ Results. If I am not convinced about the Results I get in Work or Life, I am at liberty to change or alter the Response to the Event till I get the Outcome. Right? Though sounds easy, implementation is tricky.

Our Instincts are not capable of recognizing anything Positive or Negative. Nor does our Thinking because of Repetitive Patterns. It is only your Action that determines. Plunge into it by responding through your actions.

 But do you have enough confidence to accept when you have screwed up. Own it if you did it and stand by it. Not just mistakes. But decisions and choices too. That is your Reputation.

People will respect you for it. I do it and want many more situations likewise. Are you ready?

Personal Development.

I was brought up and tutored in an environment where living and adjusting for others than for myself was a priority and necessity. My roles were pre-determined. What I did, What I ate, What I thought, with whom I interacted etc. I was told that the path given by my family was test-driven and was not risk-prone as long as I took future-wise decisions, once away from my parents to live with my Husband. All is well despite the ups and downs. We live a life of serenity and fulfillment.

The present age of enlightenment and Individual freedom has ensured that every individual can pursue and choose his/her happiness and is entitled to enjoy his life.

But instead of being happy, we are witnessing high levels of stress, isolation, mental turmoil, depression, loneliness, addiction, and suicide. broken families, etc

Does freedom have its price to pay? Could be, could not be.

By indulging in all urges, arising within each, every person traps himself/ herself in short-term outcomes in relationships, health, harmony, etc., seeking instant results and gratification. Patience, Inner discipline, compassion, tolerance, caring, and forgiveness can go a long way toward a happier self.

Consciously prevent the state of “Unconscious Stagnation.”

Churchill said, “ The power of man has grown in every sphere except over himself.”
Let it not become true.

Mental Health Challenges and Youth

Students to be aware of the five common mental health challenges that they usually face
Depression, Anxiety, Eating Disorders, Addiction, and Suicide,.
Parents and Families play a significant role in building support for their children’s s confidence, resilience, optimism, and identity.
The stronger the bonding of the Parents with their children, the more influence they can have, and the children in turn will seek guidance and support.